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January, SATURDAY 21, 1865
Camp Holy Army of the James Va Oh! what a Stormy day this has been Rained for the last 12 hours with out Stopping I Spent my time in My tent Reading the most of the time I was many times Reminded of The Old home & its Suroundings & The Aged Fathere there Who has been So Kind to us. Health is Good
Camp Holy 24 AC. Army of James This is Sabath a gene. Cloudy & damp The Colonel is Inspecting the Brig. I & Hollet? Cap Edwards? Boy went up & brot back their horses. Got my Overcoat that I had Pockets put in up there This Evening had to Go to Divis Head Qtrs. It was Oh! So mudy & Coming back So Dark. I had to neerley Swim my Poney Once