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January, MONDAY 9, 1865

Camp Holly. Army of James This has been a Splended day indeed I am Our Black Smith Billey Deland went in the forenoon & Ground Our Axes. Went to the 17 NY Battery Afternoon Made a mantle piece & fixed up things Received Orders to Furlow 10 Per Cent of the Command I think I shall try for a Furloug Health Good


Oh! what a Stormy day this has been It has Rained almost Continuously for the last 24 hours. I devoted the most of my time in Reading a Siel (?) from my little Chest. The Litthe Streams have been up So high that we Could hardly get to Divis Head Qtrs health is quite good The usual Shelling has kep up at Dutch Gap.


Army of the James

1865 Diary Contents