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January, THURSDAY 5, 1865
Camp Holly, Va. The Colonel was Corpse Officer of the day today I had to go a long. We went in Corse of the day the Entire length of the army of the James. Went in plases with in 400 yds of the Rebl Picketts Saw Ft Harrison & Fort Brady to of Our best Forts. the Both taken from the Rebls Some time Since.
We wer Out at 5 A.M. this morning all was quiett pased a long Our Line Saw Plenty of Rebls. Went & Reported (Or Rather was Relieved By the new officer of the Day at Corpse Head Qtrs Returned to Our Head Qtrs It Commensed to Raine Just as we got back & Continued untill dark. Drew Clothing this afternoon I Drew Dress Coat & Pr Drawers & hatchett