Page 47

March, FRIDAY 10, 1865

Camp of 116th 165 Stormy in forenoon but Cleared off in afternoon & pleasent I was Overjoyed a bout 3 PM at Recieving my Furlow for (30) days I will not go untill Sunday morning as I wold havto layover in W.D.C.


Camp Holly Va Head Qtrs 116th Regt OVI pleasent today Nothing of any greate note Occured Went down to Co. B a few times & I am penning these Lines at the AAGs down here Everything Ready to Start in the Monrning at 4 1/2. On my (30) days Furlow. I am very happy this Eve hope I will have good Luck The Evening is One of the Finest I Ever Saw


Army of the James

1865 Diary Contents