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February, FRIDAY 10, 1865

1st Brig Camp Holly Va 24 AC Went the Rounds with the Lt Colonel at 5oc this morning. We had 3 men desert & 2 come in from the Jons Took a little Ride in the afternoon up to the 5th PA Cavalry to get Some Revelar Catigs (revolver cartridges). this has been The Weding day of Wesley May Joy Go with them


Camp Holly Va. The Weather pleasant today altho a Cold Raw wind. Had nothing On hand. went to Divis head Qtrs in the afternoon a bout 11oc Last night after I had got to bed a Sudeen discharge of Musketry & a Chere a waked me. it was Soon Repeated & Soon the Band Commensed to play I did not Lerne Cause


Army of the James

1865 Diary Contents