On The March Monday Sep 19th/64

We Broke Camp at 500 A.M. & marched for the Pike a bout half way Between Winchester & Berryville. Heavy Canonading Continued all forenoon & also Cavalry fighting arrived at Or neare the Pike a bout 1000 A.M. the 6th Corpse had passed up a head of us to wards Winchester & near the Opequin Creek. Engaged the Enemy & at this time the Roare of Battle is greate. Weather coole & pleasant. a bout 12 AM. We (The 8 Corpse) marched out towards W. & when with in a bout 4 miles of W. Engaged the Enemy after a most Cevere Battle Drove them far beyond Winchester Our Victory was Compleet Captured from 3 to 4 Thousand Rebles killed & wonde 4 Generals We Camped On Our Old Camp a bout 7 miles south of W. Co. B. had One killed Lewis Secoy Shelton Hetzer wounde Since Died James Stewart Slite. It was a Greate Battle

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I was in time of Engagement in Charge of Colonel Wildes Horses.

Battle of Opequon
Sheridan's Campaign
1864 Diary Contents